Renault Trucks Trafic Red Edition

A product launch that thinks big

Renault Trucks Trafic Red Edition

A product launch that thinks big

THE CLient

In a sense, Renault Trucks is the cousin of carmaker Renault Automobile. It’s the companion of professionals on all their journeys, and throughout their daily working life.

the brief

Support the launch of Renault Trucks’ new Trafic Red Edition, dedicated to tradespeople and artisans: a light, customised vehicle for those who want professional quality and services.

expertise mobilised

Product launch

Instil the Red Edition reflex in tradespeople and artisans, through an international 360 campaign making Renault Trucks’ new Trafic the utility vehicle that professionals prefer.

Product launch

Barony's solution

A multilingual and multi-channel action plan. An On/Off European launch campaign across all media – print posters, in-store promotion, social media content, an event-led website, and a mailshot to a qualified contact list. All in French, English and German. The heavy artillery, basically.